I met Rich and Jen at a recent hop's growing workshop sponsored AB Tech. This is the AB Techs BioNetworks second year at this sponsorship and over 70 folks signed up and learned a great deal about hops in Western North Carolina. After teaching my segment of the two day seminar, Rich, Jen, and their friend Gabe Landas all wanted to learn more and I invited them over to my farm for real time sweat equity into growing hops.
The day was fantastic after several days of cold and heavy rain. In fact it was T-shirt weather. Our objective was the root pruning of my three year old hop vines. I couldn't have had a better more productive and learning happy crew than the three of them.
Now for more good news. For the first time in Western North Carolina history, there are local, disease free, fresh hop rhizomes for sale. If you have thought about growing hops, no need to order your root stock all the way from Oregon. I have them right here at the farm. Centennial, Cascade, Chinook, and Nuggets. All on sale now and all can be planted right now. Call us at 828-664-1166.
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